Before you head out and buy that electric car that will save you a ton of money on gas, take a walk out to your garage first. Do you have the electrical system needed to run an electric car charger? If not, will you rely on chargers in the city and if so, will the amount of time you have to use those chargers benefit you in the long run? Getting a car fully charged can take anywhere from 8 to 24 hours depending on the make and model and the type of charging system. If you are planning on buying a charger for your home, you may need some Beverly Hills electrical work first. H Electric has been taking care of customers for years and can certainly help you in this situation.
If your garage or carport does not have a free outlet that you can dedicate solely to the electric car charging station, you need to call an electrician in Beverly Hills. Adding an additional outlet to the area is usually a fairly simple task. If you are planning on parking your car in a driveway, you probably need another outdoor outlet installed. However, this solution is only meant to appease the needs of a Level 1 charging station.
If you are looking to buy the faster charging system known as the Level 2, you will need an entirely different outlet. A 240-volt outlet is needed to power these stations. This is the same kind of outlet you would plug your dryer or air conditioner into. It is very unlikely you would have a spare 240-volt outlet anywhere in your home. You will definitely need to call an electrician out to do an inspection of your electric panel and then go about installing the new outlet designated specifically for your charging station. Once you decide which outlet you need, give H Electric a call to schedule your installation.